Keep the forums updated adding forums, topics and messages to bbPress from different feeds.

bbPress is the forum system of the creators of WordPress and the most compatible and standardized development for use in this system. Whether as a CMS, framework, blog or website.

With bbPress installed on your WordPress, you soon have a forum system up and running with the only concern of generating content to attract users to participate, comment and discuss.

WPeMatico will also help you with bbPress forums, topics and posts. You can select from each campaign how you want the items obtained from the feeds to be published in the forum. It is very easy, just give yourself a chance to get to know the system and the correct configuration of the campaigns.

You will be able to add them to your WordPress site from the different feeds that you configure in the campaign. The rest is history, everything will be automated and our good robotic friend will take care of the rest 😉