Knows how much views has every post, page or custom post type, just on wordpress list.
You can select on plugin settings, which types must count. Also you can print using shortcode [WPeCounter] in widgets, post or pages.
Works with Easy Digital Downloads Products to see how many views has every Download, also with other plugins that work with public custom post types.
Is extremely lightweight because it works with ajax.
Developer and bugtracker on github repository: https://github.com/Etruel-Developments/wpecounter/issues
Feel free to fork it and propose new enhancements or Pull Requests.
- Widget with list of most popular posts (types).
- Configurable visit counter by Custom Post Types.
- Allow to “Order By Visits” on all selected Post (types) lists.
- Compatibility with Easy Digital Downloads.
- Allow to import meta-fields from other counters.
- Multilanguage Ready.
Features Comming Soon
- Options to doesn’t count logged in users, or per role selected in settings.
- Select the column order to display the Views column in every post type list.
At initial versions we used “Entry views” script created by Justin Tadlock with GPLv2.
There is little unmodified code left from those early days, but we are very grateful to him for his work.
Hope you can also enjoy this plugin.