This use case is not a direct one, but it is widely used with WPeMatico to share posts on all the interconnected social networks as they are automatically added to the WordPress. A real 2 for 1 offer!

This is the case for community managers who have to share news on all social networks to reach as many users as possible.

This can be exhausting, boring and time-consuming, with the costs that this means, even tempting to abandon the task, leave the networks aside or pay someone else to do it. 

With WPeMatico you will be able to set up campaigns with the respective feeds of posts or articles to automatically upload your content and with the help of a compatible plugin that sends them to your social networks. Your circuit will be 100% automated and all your networks and community of users will be happy and with you on their screens. 

Take a look at this FAQ where we mention some of those plugins you could use to complete the task.