Create a multilingual news site using the best translators engines. With Polylang fully integrated into WordPress and using only its basic built-in functions (taxonomies), maintain consistent performance on your website and create a multilingual site that includes from a single additional language to 10 or more depending on your needs.

Our free WPeMatico Polylang extension published in the WordPress repository allows WPeMatico to upload news from different feeds in different languages to your WordPress site by mapping them per campaign to the correct language configured in Polylang.

As a very important extra feature you can use online text translation machines to read content from sites in one language and publish it on your site translated into another language of your choice. 

This is possible with our WPeMatico Polyglot addon, with which you can receive news or posts from a feed in one language and automatically translate them into other languages of your choice with the most popular online translation engines, before inserting them into the blog.

These two plugins working together achieve an automation that makes all areas of your website grow.