FakturoBillingClientsProducts and StocksRecibosPricesExtensions
Fakturo is a complete free SMB management system, released as a multi-functional WordPress plugin for small and medium sized businesses.
It is fully configurable, customizable and updatable through WordPress filters and also through AddOns or custom support.
Essential Features
Fakturo includes a wide variety of essential functions for managing sales, products, stocks, customers, checks, accounts, providers, receipts, payments, etc. offering the possibility of access to information in real time, optimizes the sales process and allows a more efficient service.
Emission of Reports
It allows the emission of statistical reports, by clients or by income, controlled and generated from different types of filters such as date ranges, groups of invoices or specific clients which allows to obtain easily practical summaries or detailed reports.
Data storage
The storage of the data is prepared to use the WordPress database in an optimized way to ensure the smallest size and fastest access to the records of the tables. This ensures compatibility with traditional backups for WordPress or any server.
Invoicing covers all steps related to the preparation, registration, shipping and payment of debit and credit invoices.
The management of the clients is essential to keep a control not only of the invoicing but also of the accounts.
Product inventory is the function that keeps track of each product’s inventory at each given location.
Ready to add features through extensions, with some already created such as Subscriptions or AFIP Electronic Invoicing.(AR)
Multiple configurations available to meet the requirements of each situation and each country.
Virtual Assistant
Automated initial configuration by using a virtual assistant, and with custom support.
Allow two or more users to share the same resources simultaneously, Fakturo handles the following user roles: Administrator, Fakturo Supervisor, Seller.
Fakturo supports multiple languages, currently includes Spanish and English languages as well as language files for translation.
Prepared for programmers
Developed and optimized for WordPress standards with dozens of Filters and Actions so they can extend their functionalities.
Comprehensive contextual help
Integrated to use WordPress contextual help. On each screen of the system there is the top Help tab explaining that stage of the process.
This management software incorporates documents accrediting a commercial transaction as well as invoice templates with all the essential contents dictated by the invoicing regulations.
Multiple sales points
Different numerations to emit invoices from different stores or different sales points using the same system.
Custom Invoice Number Format
Establishes a personalized format for the invoice number with the attributes of point of sale, type and number of invoice, quantity of digits, etc.
Total customization of the invoice by templates
Design the structure of your company’s invoices through customized templates and pre-defined variables that you can use to include the information you need through a rich code editor that also includes a previewer.
Prints on pre-printed sheets
It allows printing on pre-printed or blank sheets depending on the structure of the receipts.
Customize emails with templates
Defines the structure of emails through templates to send documents attached.
Send PDF files
Allows you to send PDF files individually by client or in batches, selecting to which clients from the list.
Multiple payment methods
Multiple payment methods for each customer, such as bank deposits, wire transfers, cash, and even checks and their tracking.
Tax conditions
It manages taxes and the default tax condition for each customer, by invoice type or by product.
Electronic invoices
Fakturo is developed and prepared to issue electronic invoices acquiring an additional extension. (Valid for AFIP Arg.)
Automatic monthly invoicing
Through the Subscriptions extension you can issue invoices automatically through periodic subscriptions to customers.
The management of the clients is essential to keep a control not only of the invoicing but also of the accounts.
Customer current accounts
Reports, summary of accounts or detailed entries and exits by credits, debits and receipts invoicing with the current balances of each client.
Instant pictures from webcam
Use the webcam of your computer to take pictures of customers directly from the system to add it along with their data.
Customer references
In cases where the client is a corporation or a company, you can register contact information for that client. This information will be useful for contacting the representatives of the client company.
Pre-settings for automatic loading on invoicing
During the invoicing process, by selecting the customer, his previously registered information will be automatically loaded into the invoice, speeding up the creation of the same.
Payment type/Bank account
Manage the default payment type and bank account for each customer during the registration process, plus you can change the customer’s payment type to a different one during the billing process.
Tax Condition
Manage the default tax condition for each customer during the registration process, you can also change it for a different one in the billing process.
Pricing scale and customer currency
Set the default pricing scale and select a base currency for each customer in the registration process, plus during billing you can change the base currency to a different one if necessary for some invoices.
Credit Limit
Assigns the credit limit to the customer to carry out business transactions at all times. In case of adding negative balances, the seller will be notified before invoicing.
The product inventories is the function that takes care of keeping track of the stock of each product in each given location.
Types of products, classified into categories and/or models
Allows you to order your products in “family” sets to have them grouped through product types, categories and / or models. The order is necessary in any inventory. If we know where each product belongs, we will find it more easily.
Automatic stock ins and outs
Manages the entry and exit of products in stock automatically with the movement by a purchase invoice, a receipt…, etc, or manually entered.
Different inventories per warehouse.
The system allows you to manage several different stocks by warehouses at the same time.
Warehouses for products.
Register the amount of warehouses you need, to keep track of the storage and location of your products, it is recommended to create at least one.
Instant photos from the webcam
Use the webcam of your computer to take pictures of the products directly from the system to add it along with the rest of its information.
Gestion de proveedores, impuestos, embalajes y orígenes de productos
Managing suppliers is a key factor in the company’s decision making processes, in addition to this, during the registration process you can establish taxes, packaging, units per package and the origin of products.
Receipts are documents that certify payment of an amount of money for a service product. Thanks to them, we can certify that we have done some operation that we had to do.
Custom format for Receipt No.
Defines the number of digits for the numbering of receipts issued by fakturo.
Total customization of the receipt by templates
Design the structure of your company’s receipts through customized templates and pre-defined variables that you can use to include the information you need.
Prints on pre-printed sheet
It allows printing on pre-printed or blank sheets depending on the structure of the receipts.
It defines in scales the different variations that a price of an article can have according to types of clients, origin of the articles, different suppliers or other situations in which this influences.
Fakturo allows you to use several currencies at the same time, for exporters or importers who need different currencies for different sales destinations, allowing you to carry exchange rates on each invoice.
Currency Format
Defines currency formats and custom settings for symbols, decimals, plural and singular forms.
price scale
Establishes different pricing scales by product and customers based on cost plus a percentage, facilitating the massive modification of all scales by product family.

- Allows automatic invoicing through periodic subscriptions to customers.
- Fully configurable establishes the subscription period to monthly, weekly, etc.
- Depending on the date determined in the subscription, the invoice is generated automatically.
- It can be generated in draft mode or already completed and approved with sending by email to the client.
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- It allows the electronic invoicing of Argentina.
- Easily generate your AFIP electronic invoice.
- Makes all necessary tests in draft and complete electronically when you’re sure.
- At your choice send automatically by email to the customer or not.
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