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Hi guys, how you been? We are very well and working hard for you. And within the multiple news that have been happening in Etruel Developments we have a very important news in particular.
The launch of FLASH CACHE.
A new product that we have developed entirely from scratch and that joins the Etruel family. We are very happy with its results as it is a very efficient and strong plugin.
Flash Cache is a powerful WordPress plugin that optimizes the speed of websites thanks to processes and technologies that reduce the overload of the websites where it is installed, improving the speed up to 10x compared to other caching plugins.
And of course we will continue to maintain, improve and update it to the latest technologies.
The new Flash Cache has been born from many experiences that users had with our old WPeMatico cache or with other similar plugins currently existing in the WordPress world.
That’s why Flash Cache was born, although… it’s not completely NEW, but it’s an EVOLUTION of the old “WPeMatico Cache” that we have taken it to a whole new level, with a rebranding, a redesign and a new standalone environment. And all these things make it more reliable and much more intuitive with all its on-screen help to quickly know what each option is for.
WPeMatico Compatibility.
Obviously when joining the Etruel family, the first thing we thought about is its compatibility to work with our good friend Robotiko from WPeMatico. So we have dedicated a good stage of beta testing to test the cache of automatic posts that many other caching plugins work poorly or also producing duplicate posts, with the damage that this ends up causing to the SEO of the site.
Some notes of few features.
One of the features of the new Flash Cache is that you can add users who have the name part of a Cookie so that they are not shown cached objects, such as users who are logged into WP-ADMIN, you can also add other cookies to websites that use user roles in the theme system.
The other great solution that Flash Cache brings is that it does not happen the same as in most caching plugins in WordPress, which break the structure of the website, and this brings problems when moving websites to another hosting or domain.
This problem does not exist with Flash Cache. Just deactivate the cache and the plugin, and you can change your web hosting and re-enable Flash Cache without any problems just by changing the path used for caching in the configuration.
Other features that can be named are to clear the cache of a single post or page, which you can do it quickly and securely from the post or page editor or from the admin menu bar on the front-end without clearing the rest of the cache objects.
Or also that you can control the TTL of the cache, where you can set the default lifetime to be used throughout the website to specify the lifetime that each object in the cache must maintain to be rebuilt in order to be updated.
The most important.
And many, many more features that will leave you totally amazed. But come on, these are just usage features, the purpose of what we are looking for with Flash Cache is to speed up your WordPress for the experience of the end user who visits your site
More speed, better experience,
better SEO = better positioning,
more visits, more returning.
Once you know and experience Flash Cache you will never want to run a WordPress site without it again.
Start managing the cache of your sites in a smart way.
Start being part of the future.
Don’t wait any longer, get Flash Cache today at a promotional price.
More information on their product page: https://etruel.com/downloads/flash-cache/