How to use Office Campaign type?

Set up the campaign to publish posts from office files on your site in just 5 steps!
In this tutorial we will try to explain how to set up a WPeMatico campaign to create Posts from docx files stored in the server.

Click on each item for more details or click to display all descriptions of the steps
Step 1 - Store the office files on your server
Add the office files that you will use in a folder inside your server and copy the path.

How to use office campaign type? - docs path

Step 2 - Set a default path
Add the path in the “Initial Fetch dir” text fiel.

How to use office campaign type? - office default path

Step 3 - Change the campaign type
Select the camping type “Office Fetcher”.

How to use office campaign type? - office campaign

Step 4 - Set the Office fetcher options
You can choose the extension of the files, add an extra path if the files are in another folder within the default path, filter files through keywords that contain or not the filename, and choose where you want to get the title for the posts.

How to use office campaign type? - office settings

Step 5 - Run the campaign!
Once you have finished configuring the campaign options, you will be ready to execute it, and also you can also configure the CRON so that it runs every certain period of time.

How to use office campaign type? - doc post