Support and Contact Policy

Contacting us

The only way to contact us is by creating a support ticket.

Received emails are rarely read, instead we try to read and reply the support tickets on the site almost daily. If the form to create tickets had some operation problem the alternative way to contact us is through the contact form explaining why the ticket system does not work for you, otherwise all emails are ignored.

Support Services

Free technical support about our plugins is offered to all users through our Ticket System.

Basic support for purchased extensions is given up to one year after the purchase date. If you wish to get support after one year, you must renew your license key, purchase Priority Support access, or purchase a new license for the extension you wish to get support for.

Tickets System

Do I have to pay extra for support?

Support is free for all users. You may open a support ticket at any time. This covers some helps with questions, answers and guides via the tickets replies.

In any way we’re offering free support to setup or configure a website or a purchased extension.

Can answer or create a ticket by email ?

Support tickets must be written and answered from the form on the website. All users receive our responses by email as a notification to access the site to write, but the system does not receive responses written or sent by the client by email. Instead, all emails sent to our support account are lost.

What languages are accepted ?

Our main languages are English and Spanish. If we receive a ticket in a different language we will try to translate it with an online translator and if we understand it we will respond in English.

The open tickets must be closed.

Each resolved ticket will be closed in order to have a better control of the technical support offered to the users.
The tickets with few days of inactivity will be closed automatically or by the support agents.
Each user can re-open the ticket at any time if still have any doubts or believe that the problem is not solved yet.

Debug file, screenshots and files size.

If it is a technical support question about the WPeMatico or an addon, it is mandatory to attach the debug file found in the Settings, System Status, Debug File section of the plugin. If it is not attached it will be requested to continue with the ticket. For pre-sales questions or other issues is not necessary.

Please don’t copy-paste the content of the debug in the ticket.

The system supports text or image attachments up to a size of 7mb. Larger files will be removed without notification from the ticket.
If you need to attach a file larger than 7Mb, it is recommended to upload it to an external service and share the link in the ticket to allow us to download it. A good site to do that is, but you could use the one of your preference if the attachment doesn’t work for you.

Writing the details in the content of the ticket.

Our time is valuable, and also yours. That’s why we love screenshots and hate reading too much redundant text.
Although to solve any ticket we need the technical details of the problem, be simple and direct in the description so that it allows us to quickly point to the solution and reply to you.

On-site technical support

We’re not offering with free support the “login and see” service as on-site technical support. Often, if could be an issue in our plugin, we’re going one step further and we give special help by logging into the website to take a look and see what the problem might be, but we can’t take any action on the website like change the config settings or updating the plugins.
All this is just to “find it and tell” you, then you can take the appropriate action.

Premium in-depth support

With Premium support, however, we will dig in and do our absolute best to resolve the issues for you.

Premium Support is another paid service offered to customers who need in-depth technical support with access to their sites or servers. The product page of the service further clarifies this concept.

Offensive way of speaking.

We have the best predisposition in our communication and we also have many customers from different countries and many tickets to attend of diverse types.
Keep in mind that many times cultural or language differences may sound different, but we are here trying to solve your problems, so don’t be passionate or respond aggressively.
We will not allow offensive, inappropriate terms or extortions of any kind. We will simply close the ticket as “Inappropriate Conduct”.
In the event of a repeated conduct, we reserve the right to restrict the account or access to the site or its services.