Christmas 2022 balances and gifts!

Hi friends!

We want to tell you about the end of 2022, our balances and gifts we have for you!

Coming to this festive season and also of balance sheets we want to tell you a little about what this year meant for Etruel Developments and especially the last months, but also focus more on the “festive” part of the season and conclude with a VERY special gift.

This 2022 was our first year as an LLC and we already started with the balance reports that come with the end of the year, tax returns and many many accounts. xD Nobody likes to pay taxes, but if there are taxes it means things are going great, right?

Functioning as a company meant organizing things a bit better, investing more of our time and resources; as well as starting to raise and reformulate several ideas. Always thinking about new independent projects while affirming current projects such as WPeMatico, some extensions for Easy Digital Downloads, Fakturo and many other things that we will talk about next.


Wow, WPeMatico keeps growing. We are very happy with our friend Robotico and what he is getting with the best autoblog plugin for WordPress.

We have been working on it and periodically updating its extensionsā€¦ (which are not few). The large number of extensions allow a wide variety of use cases applicable to the WPeMatico universe. You can take a look at this note.

Keeping all the extensions separately means more work for the team, but it also allows you to buy only the one you need for your specific needs without having to pay for the whole package. Although buying it also has its advantages and great discounts, which brings us to the Starter Memberships launched earlier this year.

WPeMatico Memberships

At the end of last year we started thinking about changing the packaged products system because it was not optimal and we discovered that memberships allow among other things the unification of licenses per membership. This means that instead of using a different license key per extension, the same license key is used for all extensions that make up each membership. We always think about the ease for the customer.

That’s why since February we have the memberships for all customers who want good discounts for multiple extension purchases.

Easy Digital Downloads and Restrict Content Pro

Almost all of us already know Easy Digital Downloads (also known as EDD) to sell digital products online. Also this year we ventured a little more into cryptocurrencies taking advantage of the Coinbase Commerce API and after acquiring EDD-Coinbase, payment gateway for EDD, we made an important update extending its scope also to Restrict Content Free and Pro, another plugin that once also belonged to SandHill Developments to offer paid or restricted access content through WordPress.

We always think that giving multiple means of payment to approach the user who is far away gives more opportunities to all those who in one way or another have difficulties to pay. That’s why here at we use the same EDD-Coinbase and we are keeping an eye on how it works with Easy Digital Downloads.

In addition we have also developed a new product for EDD that we saw necessary because natively no official extension could separate the numbering of orders and billing according to the gateway used for payment, and thus was born the EDD Order Numbers by Gateway. Also compatible with EDD-Invoices.

Etruel Seller Program

Something we see growing a lot is our affiliate system. etruel Seller is our affiliate program. We provide publishers with resources to monetize their websites, social pages, mobile apps and other online properties by driving high quality traffic to

We are still in Beta phase but we are already 100% up and running with users offering our products with referral links and accumulating money in their account. When they accumulate 100 dollars we proceed to pay the affiliate via PayPal.

If you are interested get more information clicking here: to read the terms and conditions and apply to become an Affiliate.

Merry Christmas!

OK!!! We’re nearing the end of the note, but we can’t let this special holiday season pass us by to make some little gifts!!!! šŸ˜

As you know, here at Etruel we love to celebrate Christmas and also to make gifts (and receive them), but now it’s our turn and we want to tell you about something very special that we are still working on secretly!!!! (Shh, don’t tell anyone!).

Flash Cache WordPress Plugin!

Do you know our WordPress cache plugin?

Flash Cache is a powerful plugin which optimizes the websites speed thanks to processes and technologies that reduces the overload of the websites where it is installed, improving the velocity till 10x comparing with other cache plugins for WordPress.

Yes, it is one of our most interesting products because it has a lot of potential. It is fast, agile, it works very well, it is user-friendly in the configurationsā€¦ But the best of all is that now you will have a FREE version!

See what’s coming up for the Flash Cache and get an incredible gift!

  • FREE and PRO version.
  • The free version will contain all the current features of the plugin and some more! 
  • In addition to Apache web server, it will support Nginx and LiteSpeed.
  • More news coming soon.

But look at the gifts!

All those who purchased the product before the launch of the free version at the end of the month will automatically have access to the PRO version with all the new features.

And now the best!

From today until the launch of the Flash Cache

it will be available at 80% off!!!!!

You don’t need a discount coupon or anything like that, just take advantage of the discount on the page and you will have access to the PRO version! Go now before it’s gone!

After the launch of the Free version, the PRO version will have new pricing relative to the new development costs.

Etruel Christmas DEALS!

As you know every year for this season we love to lower the prices and this year we couldn’t do otherwise. So take a look at the products on offer and don’t forget to take note of the discount code to use at checkout.

Use code GO2V2023 at checkout to get a 35% discount on selected products!

Our discounts for this 2023 season.

Take me to all Products on Sale!

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