Googlo News addon allows to parse each Google News feeds item’s link, simplify the content fetch workflow by reducing redirections and preserving the authenticity of the original news sources.

Price: $12.00

PolyGlot is an addon that lets you select the original language of articles in a WPeMatico campaign so you can translate them to one of the 107 supported languages before inserting them in your WordPress blog. It can work with any other extension and translate after processing the contents.

Starting at: $69.00

Payment gateway for Easy Digital Downloads and Restrict Content free and Pro, it allows you to accept cryptocurrency payments for purchases through your site using Coinbase Commerce.

Starting at: $89.00 $63.00

Extend to WPeMatico Professional with a lot of advanced functions and a lot of new features for parses and filtering feed items contents, filters for featured, media, enclosure and in-content images, automatic tags generation, inserts custom fields with every post and much more.

Starting at: $63.00

WPeMatico Thumbnail Scratcher Add-on allows to get images for your posts from external image databases or image search engines to create an automatic Featured Image.

Starting at: $42.00

Add On for WPeMatico plugin.
It converts posts categories to tags while is reading each item contents from feeds.

Price: $29.00